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The AMIVAC bags now with a V-shaped seal


New product: the AMIVAC bags now with a V-shaped seal

Atlantis-Pak has added a new feature to its range of the AMIVAC bags.  Starting from 20 March 2019 the AMIVAC C, MBL, MB-7, MB-9 and TBP can be supplied with a V-seal.

The V-seal AMIVAC bags are designed for packaging of irregularly-shaped food, such as turkey sticks, leg of mutton, cheese wedges, etc.  The optimized shape reduces to the minimum the number of folds ('ears') on the shrunk packaging, which used to spoil the appearance of the product.

The V-seal AMIVAC bags can be supplied in the following sizes:

  • AMIVAC MBL, MB-7, MB-9 and TBP bags: 120 to 300 mm wide and 300 to 450 mm long;
  • AMIVAC C: 120 to 400 mm wide and 400 to 580 mm long.

The bags can be used for single- or double-side printing, the number of colors varying from 0+1 to 8+8.  The bags are supplied either pasted on two tapes in a strip (for automatic equipment) or cut into separate bags (100 pcs in each transportation pack).