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Matte, high-strength, permeable FIBROCEL casing is designed for production, packaging, storage and sale of smoked and cooked, semi-smoked, raw smoked and dry-cured sausages. It is manufactured according to TU (Technical Specifications) 22.21.29-067-27147091 "FIBROCEL sausage casing. Technical Specifications."


FIBROCEL casing has combined all the latest achievements and know-how of the company to offer the best consumer characteristics.

Technologically and economically, FIBROCEL is a more effective casing compared to fibrous. The composition and production method are patented.


No additional costs are required when you change over to FIBROCEL casing from fibrous casing. Herewith, the finished product will keep its traditional organoleptic properties, preserved throughout the entire shelf life.


  • High strength of the casing makes it possible to work on any type of equipment.
  • Consumer properties of the finished product are identical to fibrous casing.
  • Attractive natural appearance, easy spiral cleaning.
  • High permeability for smoke fume components and moisture.
  • Traditional sausages taste and aroma throughout the entire shelf life.
  • Availability for meat processing plants compared to fibrous casing (easier logistics).


Matte casing with good permeability for forming sausage products.


Bespoke colours are available


One-sided or two-sided printing is applied to FIBROCEL casing.

Number of printing colors – from 1 to 8.


45 – 100 mm

Forms of supply

FIBROCEL casing is supplied:

  • wound on cardboard spools, straight casing 500 m ±2%, 1000 m ±2%.
  • corrugated by 38, 50 or 62 m in a corrugated box.
fill all the required fields for calculation
fill all the required fields for calculationsaves on packaging of 1 ton of sausagessaves other casing
Cost of 1 ton of sausages
Other casing
Price of the casing
Other casing
Product form
Nominal caliber
from mm to mm
Overstuffing percentage
The volume of output
Price of the casing per 1 km
losses in the casing
Cost of 1 ton of finished products